By Cheri Rae A few months ago, the local school superintendent gave a speech at a fund-raiser to persuade local philanthropists to donate to an unproven pilot program for dyslexia that he [...]
Should you test your child for dyslexia? If you know the characteristics of dyslexia, you’ll likely be aware of the pattern and strengths and challenges a test for dyslexia would reveal. For [...]
In this, National Gratitude Month, I take a moment to reflect on the long journey into what I call DyslexiaLand, and give thanks to the lessons I’ve learned from my dyslexic son along the way, [...]
I spent a beautiful Saturday last weekend seated at a table in a community center, attending a book marketing workshop with three experts and a couple of dozen other authors. They shared lots of [...]
The thank you note from the third grader says it all: “Thank you for teshing me abut that people that have Dyslexia and can stily chang th world. By Jacqueline.” My educated guess, [...]
It’s been more than a decade since we first met. Oh, yes, I caught fleeting glimpses of you years before we were formally introduced, but I didn’t know how to recognize you. Long before my little [...]
I wish I had a hidden camera at an IEP meeting, and could reveal what really goes on in them. The glossing over the lack of progress; the lack of knowledge among educators who have no clue about [...]