DyslexiaLand: A Tale in Two Volumes
Oh, Amazon, you do make life interesting.
by Cheri Rae
Screen shot: Absurd does not begin to describe this pricing.
I always envisioned it as a resource that parents could share with disbelieving relatives, skeptical neighbors, or whip out and show to uncomprehending educators in the middle of an IEP meeting.
It was replaced in 2018 by the comprehensive and information-packed new book, DyslexiaLand: A Field Guide for Parents of Children with Dyslexia, a 280-page guide to the journey of understanding dyslexia through school, the community and home.
“DyslexiaLand: A Field Guide for Parents of Children with Dyslexia” by Cheri Rae
And it’s gained several good reviews; many others have been reported to me, and should be there, but inexplicably, they’re not. Amazon just stopped posting them a couple months ago, and despite multiple inquiries, I cannot get a straight answer about why. But that’s another story.
So while I’m just trying to sell my comprehensive dyslexia book at the modest price of $20 (and I won’t recieve even half that price) there are re-sellers trying to get absurd and ridiculous prices for a small, introductory book ranging from $647.00 (plus $3.99 shipping) to $977.00 (plus $3.99 shipping). As the author, I wouldn’t get a single cent of that.
I guess that’s why Amazon Jeff Bezos is a bazillionaire, and I’m still trying to make a modest living, forced to use his bookselling platform with rules that change constantly–and never seem to make sense. I still believe in the old notion of good values, a strong work ethic and a fair price for quality goods, and the ability to bring a product to market–and sell it in many markets.
To be sure: I have nothing to do with the absurd price on that little book. I am embarrassed to see it online, and have made attempts to have it removed, without success. Please, scarcity of that title should not make it seem more valuable. It is worth the fair price of $9.99–no more. But it sure makes the 280-page replacement book, DyslexiaLand: A Field Guide for Parents of Children with Dyslexia a bargain at twice the price!