DyslexiaLand Contents

Foreword by Peggy Stern / 11
Introduction / 13

1 Land and People / 31
DyslexiaLand: Land of Contrasts, The Deserts of DyslexiaLand, Dyslexia Around the World, The People of DyslexiaLand, Luminaries of DyslexiaLand, Famous People with Dyslexia

2 Language and Culture / 47
The “D” Word, Dyslexia Defined, The Other “D” Word: Disability, The Greeks Have Word(s) for It, Dyslexia in Popular Culture, Culture of Denial, What Researchers Say

3 Mythology, History, Politics / 61
Lexiana, Goddess of DyslexiaLand, Dyslexia and Denial, MythLexia: Ten Myths (and Truths) About Dyslexia, Dyslexia History 101, Reading Wars,
Twentieth-Century Dyslexia Pioneers, National Politics, State Politics, Local Politics

4 Mind Maps of Dyslexia From Stressful to Successful / 81
Stressful with Dyslexia, Successful with Dyslexia

5 Mapping A Pathway Through DyslexiaLand / 89
Obstacles, Opportunities

6 Recognizing Dyslexia / 103
What Dyslexia Is and Is Not, Types of Dyslexia, Identifying Dyslexia, Who Determines Dyslexia?, Talking With Children About Their Dyslexia
7 Reading, Writing and Arithmetic / 115
Reading Out Loud, Reading Challenges Revealed, Reading is a Complicated Skill, Why Most Public Schools Can’t Teach Children With Dyslexia to Read, Reading Programs That Don’t Work and Why, Reading Approaches That Work for Dyslexic Students, Trouble with Words, The Challenges of “Plain English,” Workarounds for Working with Words, Writing Challenges and Dysgraphia, Project-Based Learning, Class Notes, Arithmetic and Dyscalculia
8 Dyslexia and Special Education / 139
Special Ed Zone: DyslexiaLand’s Most Challenging Place, The IEP and the 504, “Qualifying” for Special

Education, Who’s in Special Education, Who’s Not, and Why, Requesting Testing, The IEP Meeting, Tips for the IEP Meeting, Supreme Court Support, Special Education Insider Tips, Parents’ Special Education Action Plan, Speaking Their Language: Acronyms in Special Education
9 Advocating for Your Child / 169
Beware of the “Wait to Fail” Approach, Why Educators Can’t and Often Don’t Help Dyslexic Students, Become and Advocate, Time is on Their Side. Not Yours, You Won’t Believe Your Ears, Going Legal, Burned Up and Burned Out, When Parents Have Dyslexia, Multicultural Dyslexia Awareness, Student Self-Advocacy, Family Matters and Teamwork, Dyslexia Warrior Moms, How to Address the School Board, Parents’ Advocacy Plan
10 Dyslexia at Home
and in the Community / 197 Effects on Family Life, Friends and Extended Family, Homework, Details, Details, Details, Extracurricular Activities, Tips for Playtime, What’s on the Menu?, Dyslexia as a Public Health Issue, Dyslexia in the Religious Community, Divine Intervention, At Home with Dyslexia
11 What You Need to Know Before You Go / 213
Costs Associated with Dyslexia, Eight Great Ways to
Get Help, The Ten Essentials, The Serenity Prayer

12 Elementary School / 233
Teacher Training, Making Progress, Switching Schools, Retention, Elementary Education for Parents, Hitting the Third Grade Wall, Considering Special Education, Five IEP Tips for Parents, Standardized Testing and Students with Dyslexia, Transition from Elementary to Middle School To-Do List
13 Middle School / 249
Middle School Challenges, Middle School to High School Transition To-Do List, Sample Memo from Parents
14 Dyslexia High / 257
Get Involved and Stay Involved, Be Prepared, When Administrators and Teachers Just Don’t Get Dyslexia, Remediation or Accommodation?, Exit Exams and Other Requirements, College Testing, Ten Strategies for High School Success, Reflections: Graduation Day
Afterword / 271 Acknowledgements / 273 About the Artist / 275
1 in 5: The Face of Dyslexia / 276 About the Author / 278